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Locale settings, numeric range enforcement, adaptive format and more for numeric input.

Numeric input validation made easy!

AXNumValidatedTF is a Xojo TextField subclass (32/64 bits) for Windows, macOS and Linux allowing the input validation of a defined numeric range, using the system Locale settings for decimal and grouping text formatting.

  • Raise Events when the entered value is in / out of Range (active catching / propagation of the value).
  • Optionally displays a message Dialog when the entered value is out of range.
  • Optionally stays in focus when the entered value is out of range.
  • Use of Locale settings for Grouping and Decimal separators.
  • Adaptive formatting during the value validation.
  • Instance ToolTip / HelpTag set to the accepted value Range
  • Set the length of the decimal part for Real numbers.
  • IsInRange property to passively check if the value is inside the defined range.
  • Xojo API 2.0 / API 1.0 versions of the Class.
  • macOS / Windows / Linux (32/64 bits) compatible.

Among other features, the user can set the kind of numerical input (Integer or Real), Minimum and Maximum values for the accepted numerical input, the decimal length for real numbers, and the default value for the field. It also provides properties to enforce the input of a numerical value in the defined range (the focus stays in the field) and the optional display of an error message dialog.