Professional, interactive, realtime charts in your Xojo applications on Mac, Windows and Linux. Desktop, Console and Web projects.
New ChartDirector 6.3
New for 2020 and Omegabundle for Xojo 2020, Chart Director 6 adds more features and more power:
- Charts as Vectors to PDF. PDF is the ideal format for creating soft or printable copies of charts. Processed in vector format means higher quality output.
- SVG User Interaction Features. Modern browsers support SVG in <IMG> tags. ChartDirector 6.0 comes with an upgraded Javascript library that can support user interaction features for SVG, such as AJAX chart updates, tooltips, hot spots, programmable track cursors and zooming and scrolling support. Furthermore, the Javascript library now has touch support. The track cursor can track finger movement in addition to the mouse, and zooming and scrolling can be by tapping.
- Viewport Control. This new feature supports both desktop and web applications. The Viewport Control lets users visualize and manipulate the viewport, which is a window on the full data range. Users can move the viewport in 2D to scroll the chart both horizontally and vertically, and resize the viewport to zoom in or out the chart.
- Zooming & Scrolling Real Time Charts. ChartDirector 6.0 includes built-in support for zooming and scrolling for realtime charts, in which the viewport will be adjusted as data is updated in realtime.
- Meters and Gauges Major Update. Linear meters can now uses bars in addition to pointers to represent data values. Color scales can be added at various positions to represent the scales by color gradients with variable thickness. Discover enhancesments to background, border and pointers styles.
General Features of MBS ChartDirector for Xojo
- Professional charts in Xojo
- Per developer royalty free license for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux
- Full Unicode support
- No external DLLs
- one year of free upgrades
- Create vector graphics as SVG files.
- Export chart as PDF, PNG, JPEG, GIF, WMP and BMP.
- Track cursor movements with a dynamic layer.
- Use custom fonts.
Licensing Notes for MBS Xojo ChartDirector Plugin
The bundle includes a new MBS Xojo ChartDirector plugin license.
Or if you have an existing license, we may extend your license for another year.